Signs Follow Word Confirmed

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Signs Follow Word Confirmed



Wrote part of a book 16 years ago, "Visits From The Forest People", and ever since when taking pictures, they come to get into the action.
Also, they had no problem with approaching out nearby wilderness house thousands of times, they
also with their own cameras in tow.

Here are some explanations of an upcoming book, with much information on Sasquatch, and who they are these days.

Sasquatch (the Beast) Introducing to the world what I have named "Spider Sasquatch" due to their pair of potentially long tentacles attached
to their heads, some reaching hundreds of feet long in a picture, and due sometimes to one of
their mother's appearance. Sometimes(Pictures).

"this IS the Mark of Sasquatch(the Beast)" Hebrew Tav=Mark, Tavah=Marks
The Boss Of The Watchers Has Commissioned To Have The Words Imaged Into Syringes,T over V, and H over T over V, Pushing the Beasts' Mark, So They Will Take The Shots. They Also Use One Other Ancient Tav, And A Modern Hebrew Tav.
Other Letters Are Used For Their Other Ad Pushes of 5G, GO, EC(Electromagnetism) And More"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) And Watchers Fulfill Revelation 13 concerning Blaspheming The One And Only God, Through Their Electronic Imaging.
According To The Number Of Shots, They And Their Watcher Higher Ups Are The Electronic Imaging.
The Four Letters Of His Name, YHWH Imaged As Syringes: DNA Desolating, Hive Minded Making, SYRINGES. Why Are Watchers So Hooked OnTHAT Name ? Hello ?

"Sasquatch (the Beast) SHOT.....Guns, Continually Placed In Front Of Their Minds From Many Subversive Angels, Fun Guns, Bang, Subliminal Shots To Simple Minds, Hundreds Of Weapons Up To Military Grade"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Firmament Planes ? Multiple Expressions Of That Which Flies, Similar To Them When Serving Their Watchers"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) of Graphene Oxide 666"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) Oral Swab and His Oral Swabbed Sasquatch Kaddetes. Swabs Equivalent To Shots."

"Sasquatch(the Beast) All Over The Firmament, Stars, Sun. Skies, Clouds, Earth's Nature, Man's Works, Just Outside Of Flat Earth And More.

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Being Propositioned In Gigantic Electronic Images From The Firmament To Take The Rifle or Pistol (Guns=Shots) For
Prostitution Sex Without Limits, Image Of The Beast, Which Is, "Anything Goes"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Vaccine Decode"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) In Vaccine Pictures"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Children's Massive War Games"
Much More

Welcome Sasquatch seekers, and all. Maybe a few of you might have seen some of their more unusual, normalized ways these days. These are ecrtracted pictures from usually much larger images. full of the Sasquatch realm.
Hundreds of pictures with explanations are in an upcoming book. We wrote a book over 16 years ago, "Visits From The Forest People", and every since when taking pictures, many Sasquatch pure bloods and human mixes are always seeking to get into the act.
When I say Sasquatch, I'm talking about those taken over thousands of years ago, at least, seen in the Sumerian cylinder seal pictures, online. There are still many so called pure bloods, yet because of their beastly behavior mixing with many beings, including man, and fallen angels, and being injected continually into some kind of hive minded electrical subjection, they have become surrounded with the fruit of their ways. Which explains many of the facial images, a wide variety of mixtures everywhere among them.
There are the beast governments of this Earth, obviously, yet Sasquatch and their Watcher bosses are those who they follow in pushing the Beasts' Mark. The Beast's Mark keeps them compliant, hive minded, electrically zapped, and happy, with their image, the 'Image of the Beast' being, "Anything Goes !"

Out of clear view, the first tower to fall, fell into some of its' remaining dust. and those in the hell copter
made sure of it.

Bunch of Arabs on 911 is a bunch of bunk.

There is the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast, though the NAME of the NUMBER is.....
Chuck GIrard sings:
"It's the Name Above All Names"

With Phil Driscoll on the trumpet.

Thank y'all..

Examples from their displays on the sun and firmament of Beastly behavior, pushing their shots or their swabs, their Marks, to the other Beast. Many of mankind have also entered into the
abomination of desolation. The Beast is more easily controlled with the hive minded nature of their Mark, those shots of old, of since ancient times.

As they partied all over the 60+ evergreen trees.
the Watchers saw me coming, so they imaged up
a familiar person pushing giant needles, among
their own sludge of syringes and needles, keeping
their own quotas of being injected, so becoming
hive minded, they can ascend into the skies, serving the Watchers and their bosses, continually pushing their Mark from many positions within,
and somewhat outside of Earth's Firmament.
Watchers are the intrusive losers out for the tares,
yet they also seek to turn the wheat into tares.
Soul farmers they are, seeking those who follow their own soul, or seeking to influence those who don't, to do so.

Eclipsing The Fake Narrative....... Soon the Fake Sun will put on a show. Here are some images to reference because of seeing images in other videos. For those having difficulty believing what is being shown in those videos.
Would like to get a picture of what is going on with normally outrageous images on the Sun, Eclipse day .
The Sun is a Light within the Firmament. In the past it was taken over by those who oppose Father Almighty's Kingdom.

True Israel revealed.
For confirmation in videos: TruthVids

18k miles estimate outside of this Earth realm, is a very tall wall with a very tall cross on it. Much more on that Swab, Syringe Wall, signaling what goes on here on Earth.
It is on a wall that advertises Swabs and Syringes to those who have interest in this Earth realm.
Scripture confirmed. "the Earth is as a drop in the bucket, as dust on the scales', "the nations are as nothing".
And for those who follow Y'shua. ''you are not of this world"... hahaha ! , yeah !

Rare and currently unseen Horse Breeds and more, ancient, gigantic, controlling where roads and buildings are positioned. Questions of just how old are these horses, and the giant who was over 4 miles tall. Also, a man and beast picture correlating with the man and beast picture on that wall, some 18k miles from the edge of this earth, seen in other videos here.

Several vessels, including a Jet Fighter, a Beastly Water Brigade, and big military action to attract the Beast. The whole Firmament is designed to attract the Beast for the same reason of thousand of years, since they were practically taken over, except for; they need to continually get their booster shots, their mark, the Beast's mark, they being so wild, lawless, and goofy.

A long ship and boat companion exposed sailing on the other side of the non existent (haha)
Firmament. Some nearby smiling stars ta boot.

Credit to Google Earth for photos which reveal that Earth is made up of gigantic man and beast.
Paleo pictograph language ERETZ (Earth), E=Beast, R=Man, TZ=Man laying on his side.

The Creator must enjoy cartoons, for according to the videos on this channel,
the Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, Clouds, Skies, and Earth are covered with them.
Credit for the dragon fly photo goes to Michael Tellinger from one of his revealing videos of South African mysteries /@Michaeltellinger/videos


Created 2 years ago.

14 videos

Category Science & Technology

"this IS the Mark of Sasquatch(the Beast)"
Hebrew Tav=Mark, Tavah=Marks
The Boss Of The Watchers Has Commissioned To Have The Words Imaged Into Syringes,T over V, and H over T over V, Pushing the Beasts' Mark, For Them To Take The Shots. They Also Use One Other Ancient Tav, And A Modern Hebrew Tav. Other Letters Are Used For Other Ad Pushes, 5G, GO, EC(Electromagnetism) And More"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) And Watchers Fulfill Revelation 13 About Blaspheming Almighty God, Through Their Electronically Imaging
The Four Letters Of His Name, HWHY Into Syringes, DNA changing, Hive minded making, Beast Control Syringes.

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Shot.....Guns, Placed In Front Of Them, Fun Guns, Bang, Subliminal Shots To Simple Minds, Hundreds Of Weapons Up To Military Grade"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) of Graphene Oxide"
"Oral Swab and His Oral Swabbed Sasquatch Kadetes"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) All Over The Firmament,
Stars, Sun. Skies, Clouds, Earth's Nature, Man's Works, Just Outside Of Flat Earth And Also The Thousands Of Miles Tall Wall, With A Massive Cross On It, Beast And Man Images Also On That Wall"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Being Propositioned In
Gigantic Electronic Images From The Firmament To Take The Rifle or Pistol (Guns=Shots) For Prostitution Sex"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Vaccine Decode According To Them"
"Sasquatch (the Beast) In Vaccine Pictures"
"Sasquatch (the Beast) Known Sizes From Microscopic To Thousands of Miles (Pictures)"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Children's Massive War Games, with guns, Adult Supervision". 4 human males once laughed at me while
shooting me in the gut with their electronic guns, no real harm done.

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Living Giants, At A Lake, Some Hundreds Of Feet Tall"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) Witnesses Holy Communion Miracle Which Overcame Their Harmful Scheme."

"Sasquatch(the Beast) Some In Color, Frozen In Time, With A Cowboy Frozen On A Horse Watching Hundreds of Horses Frozen While Fleeing Something, One Cowboy On Horse Waving, Some With Pistols, Trains Frozen, Many More Frozen"

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Around A House Lived In, Human Like Ones Also, All Over The Immediate Area, Making Complex Faces, Also, Some Imprisoned."

"Sasquatch (the Beast) Serves The Black Hats. Black Hats Are Shown As Being Instrumental In Orchestrating The Mark(Shot) Push Onto The Beast, And Humanity, From Many Positions In This Earth Realm"

"Sasquatch(the Beast) Outrageous Stories Of What I Have
Witnessed, Some In Pictures,Some About Former Pictures Removed Due To Persecution" Though Some Of The Pictures Were
Of Their Normal Outrageous Behavior Towards
Mankind And Examples Could Probably Found Again."

"Watcher / Sasquatch City Codes" Foundational grounds of cities and towns are loaded with messages towards those in the skies
about the history and current state of the people there.

"ERETZ Beast, Earth Made Up Of Gigantic Man And Beast"
Sasquatch being much of the Beast called mountains and hills. Gigantic images of Sasquatch.'Finding Sasquatch' hahahahahaha !

"Native Americans Especially Targeted For The Kill Shot"

"Firmament Pictures" Music while observing over 60 Firmament
images, horizontal and ceiling for the Watchers and Sasquatch (Beast) to observe and the Beast to be brainwashed by.

"Jerusalem's City Foundation Of Gigantic Horses" Miles long, and rare breeds apparently never seen currently before. Also, a tall guy measuring over 4 miles.

"Fake Sun, Stars, Moon, So To Speak"

"Dragon Fly's Human, Alien Face Images"
